3 in 10 Americans would rather swim with sharks than ride an autonomous vehicle

A survey conducted by Lynx Software Technologies has revealed that eight out of ten people in the USA still do not trust self-driving cars as much as human drivers. The company polled 1,000 people to examine U.S. sentiment towards autonomous vehicles. Despite the reservations, half of the participants have said they plan to own an autonomous vehicle one day, and another 26% said they would consider it.

Here’s what the rest of the survey has found:

  • 52% of the participants expressed excitement about self-driving cars, while 30% felt uncertain, and 14% feared the technology.
  • 36% were willing to switch control entirely to autonomous systems while driving.
  • 65% believed limited testing is what’s preventing the mass adoption of autonomous vehicles.
  • And our favorite stat: 49%  would prefer skydiving and 34% would prefer swimming with sharks any day over riding in an autonomous vehicle.