83% of Europeans have a positive attitude towards urban air mobility

A survey conducted by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has revealed that 83% of Europeans have a positive attitude towards urban air mobility (UAM) services. UAM services include flying taxis, air ambulances, drone deliveries, and more. 71% of the survey participants said they were even ready to try UAM services, showing strong support for eVTOLs used for emergencies and medical support.

EASA expects general UAM availability to arrive as soon as 2024, as eVTOL technology continues to develop. The agency has also said that up to 90,000 UAM-related jobs can be created by 2030 as they expect 31% of the global UAM market to be based out of Europe. And the EU is taking steps towards making this happen. In January 2021, the EU’s SESAR Joint Undertaking launched a 2-year UAM demo program involving a consortium of 17 UAM transport companies and organizations.