Cities across Europe are embracing free public transport to cope with high fuel costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Cities and towns across Europe have started embracing free public transport to cope with the ongoing fuel price crisis and reduce carbon emissions.

  • Germany’s Bundestag recently adopted a discounted monthly transportation pass, allowing passengers to use regional public transport for €9 per month in June, July, and August.
  • Luxembourg made all public transportation free on March 1st.
  • Malta also plans to make public transit free on October 1st.
  • All registered residents of Estonia’s capital Tallinn have been able to ride buses and trains for free since 2013.
  • Belgium’s Hasselt similarly made all buses and trains free to ride in 1997.

Zoom Out: Although some countries across Europe adopted free public transport policies decades ago, the ongoing fuel price crisis has accelerated policy changes to make it easier and more affordable for Europeans to live without cars.