Promethean AI allows users to create game environments using only their voice

An Artificial Intelligence platform called Promethean AI allows people who do not have any prior programming experience to create their own game environments by just using voice commands. Users can give commands like “Build me a ‘70s bedroom”, “Move the desk”, and “Turn the table sideways”, which will then be carried out automatically. The software utilizes artificial intelligence to help artists create scenes and art for gaming, which can then be customized manually or automatically with a command like “Suggest variations”.

Integrated with the Unreal and Unity game engines, users can take previously created scenes and import them directly onto the Promethean AI platform. There are millions of digital items that can be placed into the scenes, enabled through labeling using computer vision.

Zoom Out: AI-assisted content generation significantly lowers barriers to entry, saving time and money in the expensive field of game development and nearly eliminating the need for prior programming language. In the near future, this tool can even be incorporated into games like Roblox and Minecraft allowing players to easily create user-generated content and build their own worlds.

Get Involved: Recently, the software was made available for a wider group of early adopters. If you’d like to get access to Promethean AI, you may still get a chance to by filling out this form.