The FDA has given an emergency use authorization for the first over-the-counter molecular COVID-19 test

The world’s first over-the-counter molecular (PCR) COVID-19 test has been given an emergency use authorization by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration). The test is developed by a health technology company called Cue Health (the magnificent design done in collaboration with Herbst Produkt). It is the first over-the-counter (OTC) test that can detect genetic material from the coronavirus, whereas previously approved OTC tests rely on the detection of a viral antigen.

Zoom In: Individuals can conduct the test developed by Cue Health at home through a lower nasal swab. The test then gives the result in about 20 minutes. Cue Health says that it plans to manufacture 100,000 tests a day by summer. The FDA states that the test has accurately identified 100% of positive samples from infected patients who didn’t show any symptoms and 96% from infected patients who did.