Tesla has been continuing its record deliveries for the past six consecutive quarters. The company delivered 936,172 electric vehicles in 2021, almost doubling its 499,550 count in 2020. Thanks to surging demand in China, Q4 alone saw 308,600 deliveries, up 70% from last year. CEO Elon Musk believes they can maintain an over 50% annual growth rate over the next five years, with 2022 estimates from Deutsche Bank and VC firm Loup Ventures coming at 1.5 million and 1.3 million units, respectively.

Zoom Out: Tesla seems to be on track for further success. Its delivery numbers are a significant indicator in a time when the auto industry continues to be impacted by the global chip shortage crisis. The company is poised to sustain its rapid growth with the planned Cybertruck launch in 2022 and thanks to the new factories in Texas and Berlin equipped with new manufacturing technologies. Tesla is currently valued at $1.07 trillion.

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